It’s officially 4 weeks until I hit the stage at the ICN World Championships for my first Pro Show. Last year I won my Pro Card in both ICN Fitness Model and Sports Model after winning amatuer Miss Fitness World Champion and coming first in my Open Miss Sports Model category.
Competing at Pro level is an absolute honour. It’s also another whole ball game. The quality of the competitors is the best of the best and I am both nervous and excited about the challenge. The Pro’s are so refined; from their physiques, to their stage presence – with some having many years of competing experience under their belts. It’s added pressure being a Pro, knowing you are up against the best of the best. No-one has left any stone unturned. But I’m really looking forward to the experience of my first show as a Pro and cannot wait to step on stage.
Competing for me is about bringing my best self to stage. Each competition and subsequent off season is a chance to work on and refine your body. This off season I’ve been focusing on building my shoulders and the aim is to come in a little more leaner than last year. So far, I’m on track with my body fat and Coach is happy with how my shoulders are coming along. We haven’t been drastic, my training doesn’t really change between on season and off season and my calories have dropped slowly over my 14week prep to bring my body fat down and bring a tighter package.
Comp prep isn’t easy. It takes dedication and sacrifice. I love food and as a flexible dieting advocate there isn’t much I go without during my prep phase. But the truth is, as we come up to the last few weeks my food becomes far more simple as it’s easier to track and ensure I hit my macro targets. My calories have dropped and energy levels tend to move the same way. My aim is to keep my training intensity and frequency up even with lower energy levels.
Overall I’m feeling good and I feel I’m on track with my physique. My bikini is done and it’s definitely Pro quality! Now to focus on my daily routine, as maintaining routine with my training and meal prep keeps me focused and on track and dedicate daily time to posing practice before Melbourne. Bring on Oct 26th!